Hi, I am Mohith


a picture of mohith

What I Do

Python Django Developer

I chose to learn Django because it is open-source and very reliable. While working with Django, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. I love python and love django even more.

ReactJS Developer

Did I choose React or did React choose me? Vanilla javascript and jQuery were intimidating when I started out. I knew there should be a way around and that was React. I have worked with Redux and my work below will speak for itself.

Front-end Developer

My love for CSS grows everyday and it never ceases to amaze me what a few lines of styling can bring to an otherwise bland website. Front end is where the real fun is at!

My Work

Who I am

Full stack developer based out of Chennai

I'm an undergraduate in Electronics and communication Engineering. That begs the question what am I doing? My passion for coding has superseded everything and I love doing what I'm currently doing. Isn't that what life is about?

My Work

A selection of my range of work